An extractor fan installation can make a huge difference to the amount of moisture in your Warrington home. An extractor fan installation usually occurs in a bathroom or kitchen.
Extractor fans helps to remove the moisture laden air generated by cooking and bathing before it can cause issues with condensation and mould. If you need an extractor fan installation in the Warrington area, Stressless Electrics are your friendly, local extractor fan electrician.
Why have an extractor fan installation?
We all know that opening a window is the fastest and easiest way to let the humid air out of our homes. Unfortunately, this is also the fastest way to let out all your heat! Many Warrington homeowners are looking for an effective alternative that allows them to keep the warmth in whilst letting the damp air out. If the air in your home becomes too humid then you can suffer with damp, condensation and mould. These conditions are not only unpleasant, but they can have a negative effect on your health. An extractor fan installation is the ideal solution. It allows you to reduce the humidity in your home without reducing the temperature. An extractor fan effectively removes damp air before it has a chance to circulate around your home, preventing it from collecting and condensing in any cool spots.
Selecting an extractor fan
There are a few things to consider when selecting which extractor fan to install in your home in Warrington. Your extractor fan installer will have a few questions which will help them to recommend the right one for you. The first thing to do is to calculate the optimum rate of extraction for the room the extractor will be installed in. This is measured in either metres cubed per hour or litres per second. Don’t worry if maths is not your forte – your electrician will calculate this for you. The larger the room size the higher this rate will need to be. The extraction rate will also need to be higher if any of your household like to take very long baths!
The next thing to consider is the location of the extractor fan in your home. If you are having an extractor added to your ensuite bathroom then you may want to consider a quieter model, so you are not disturbed by any early risers. You will also need to decide how your extractor fan is controlled. The most common installation is one which operates via the light switch. You can also have a manually operated system, often this is the preference for an extractor installed in a kitchen. If you would like a little more technology, then an extractor with a humidistat is an option. This is a humidity sensor which automatically detects moisture in the air and switches the fan on and off as needed. This is a great option if you like to shower before bed as it means you can turn off the light and the fan will keep running until it clears the air.
Who can install an extractor fan?
Using a qualified electrician to install your extractor fan is the safest option. Extractor fans are generally found where there is water and that is never a mix to take lightly. An electrician will have the skill and experience to competently install your extractor fan. An unqualified person could leave your home at risk of electrical fire and themselves at risk of shock. A poorly installed extractor fan will also be ineffective and will fail to remove the moist air from your home. An experienced electrician will ensure the extractor is well placed, of the correct size and can vent properly.
If you would like to see how an extractor fan can help keep your home free from condensation, call Stressless Electrics today. Our experienced, fully qualified and NICEIC approved electricians will be happy to discuss your options. Based in Warrington we are your local, friendly and reliable electrician. Contact us today.